Photovoltaic (PV) is the technology of conversion of sun light into direct current (DC) electricity. The term "photovoltaic" is a combination of the Greek word for Light (phōs) and the name of
the Italian physicist Allesandro Volta.
- A non-polluting and renewable source (sun!) of energy.
- Reduces CO2 emission significantly over coal, gas or diesel power plants.
Feed-in-Tariffs (FiT) Concept
Net Energy Metering (NEM) Concept
Inverters (DC to AC)
How long do solar power systems last?
Quality modules can produce good electricity yields for up to 30 years. However, electricity yield does fall on a yearly basis. According to many long-term studies, quality modules will still achieve an energy yield far above 80% after 25 years.
How do I maintain my solar installations?
Solar power systems that are designed and constructed properly require very little maintenance and with very low failure rates. As a general rule, only the inverters will need to be replaced after about ten years.
For optimal performance, the solar modules should fully expose to direct sunlight. In a tropical climate like Malaysia, dust or dirt on the modules is usually removed by rain.
The best way to safeguard your solar investment is to enter into a maintenance and performance monitoring agreement with High Summer Systems. Any significant deviation in power output should require an immediate inspection of the system.